Baby Q Case
“In 2018 Alabamians voted with over 60 percent approval in support of Amendment 930, a state constitutional amendment that “explicitly recognizes and protects the rights of unborn children in the state, granting them equal protection under the law.” Included in the language was the “right to life” for the preborn.”
According to Attorney Sam McClure, Baby Q, due to be born this month, is a pseudonym name of an African American child in the womb and a representative of all African American children in the womb in Alabama. Through the name Baby Q a lawsuit has been filed seeking equal protection for African American children from the eugenic targeting of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Eugenicists believe some people are well born and others are not. Those who are not well born they say, should not be allowed to reproduce.
In 2019, the most recent year available, there were 7,538 Alabama women who had abortions and 4,775 (63%) were on Black women. In support of their ongoing Negro Project that was designed to limit the birth rate of Blacks in America, Planned Parenthood has located deliberately, almost 80% of their surgical facilities in Black and Latino neighborhoods. Among an increasing number of examples of their targeting is how they have engaged Black legislators who promise to go above and beyond in promoting their abortion services; they have hired marketing firms to create messaging to get around allegations of genocide and have established “justice funds” that specifically pay for abortion for Black and brown women.
In 2020, Planned Parenthood acknowledged their organization was built on the racist foundation of Margaret Sangers’ eugenic practices. Some acknowledged causing reproductive harm to women of color, others acknowledged their systemic racism and white supremacy . In 2021, the president of Planned Parenthood stated “By privileging whiteness , we’ve contributed to America harming Black women and other women of color.”
The Baby Q case asks the Alabama Governor and Attorney General to uphold the laws of Alabama by protecting African American children from the predatory grip of abortionists in the state.
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